Base64 Encode/Decode Class C++ SourceCode - Base64编码/解码 类 C++ 源码_base64 source code-程序员宅基地

技术标签: C++  Visual C++ 6.0  c++  C  c  null  byte  Encrypt/Decrypt  Encode/Decode  Base64 Encode  buffer  class  

Base64 Encode/Decode Class C++ SourceCode - Base64编码/解码 类 C++ 源码 




// Base64.h: interface for the CBase64 class.

#if !defined(AFX_BASE64_H__CC47C43F_E786_44DA_828F_5B9F2F1B1160__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_BASE64_H__CC47C43F_E786_44DA_828F_5B9F2F1B1160__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

class CBase64  
	virtual ~CBase64();

 // 将ANSI字符串转成Base64字符串
 static CString encode(const CString in_str);
 static void encode(LPSTR pIn, DWORD dwInLen, LPSTR pOut, LPDWORD pdwOutLen);
 // 将Base64字符串转成ANSI字符串
 static CString decode(const CString in_str);
 static void decode(LPSTR pIn, DWORD dwInLen, LPSTR pOut, LPDWORD pdwOutLen);

 // 将ANSI格式文件转成Base64格式文件
 static BOOL encode(const CString cstrSrc, const CString cstrDes);
 static BOOL encodeMemMap(LPCTSTR fIn, LPCTSTR fOut);

 // 将Base64格式文件转成ANSI格式文件
 static BOOL decode(const CString cstrSrc, const CString cstrDes);
 static BOOL decodeMemMap(LPCTSTR fIn, LPCTSTR fOut);

 static inline PSTR AllocMemBase64(DWORD dwANSILen);
 static inline PSTR AllocMemANSI(DWORD dwBase64Len);
 static inline void FreeMemBase64(PSTR pBase64);
 static inline void FreeMemANSI(PSTR pANSI);
 static inline DWORD CalcANSItoBase64Len(DWORD dwANSILen);
 static inline DWORD CalcBase64toANSILen(DWORD dwBase64Len, const CString strBase64End2 = "");


    // encode table(编码表)
    const static CString _base64_encode_chars;
    // decode table(解码表)
    const static char _base64_decode_chars[128];


#endif // !defined(AFX_BASE64_H__CC47C43F_E786_44DA_828F_5B9F2F1B1160__INCLUDED_)

// Base64.cpp: implementation of the CBase64 class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Base64.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW




// Base64.cpp: implementation of the CBase64 class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Base64.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Base64.cpp: implementation of the Base64 class.
// 作者:王军建
// 用途:Base64的编码与解码
// 创建日期:2004-06-08
// 修改日期:2005-06-23
#include "Base64.h"

// Construction/Destruction




// 函数:    DWORD CalcANSItoBase64Len()
// 功能:    计算ANSI字符串转成Base64字符串需要多少内存
// 参数:    dwANSILen ANSI字符串的长度
// 返回值:  DWORD Base64字符串的长度
// 日期:    [6/23/2005]
inline DWORD CBase64::CalcANSItoBase64Len(DWORD dwANSILen)
 return (dwANSILen%3) ? (dwANSILen+3)/3*4 : dwANSILen/3*4;

// 函数:    DWORD CalcBase64toANSILen()
// 功能:    计算Base64字符串转成ANSI字符串需要多少内存
// 参数:    dwANSILen Base64字符串的长度
//   strBase64End2 Base64字符串结尾的二个字符串
// 返回值:  DWORD ANSI字符串的长度
// 日期:    [6/23/2005]
inline DWORD CBase64::CalcBase64toANSILen(DWORD dwBase64Len, const CString strBase64End2)
 int count = 0;
 for (int i=0; i
   >2 ];
            out_str += _base64_encode_chars[ (c1&0x3)<<4 ];
            out_str += "==";

        // read the second byte
        c2 = in_str[i++];
        if ( i==len )       // pad with "="
            out_str += _base64_encode_chars[ c1>>2 ];
            out_str += _base64_encode_chars[ ((c1&0x3)<<4) | ((c2&0xF0)>>4) ];
            out_str += _base64_encode_chars[ (c2&0xF)<<2 ];
            out_str += "=";

        // read the third byte
        c3 = in_str[i++];
        // convert into four bytes string
        out_str += _base64_encode_chars[ c1>>2 ];
        out_str += _base64_encode_chars[ ((c1&0x3)<<4) | ((c2&0xF0)>>4) ];
        out_str += _base64_encode_chars[ ((c2&0xF)<<2) | ((c3&0xC0)>>6) ];
        out_str += _base64_encode_chars[ c3&0x3F ];

    return out_str;

// 函数:    CString decode()
// 功能:    将Base64字符串转成ANSI字符串
// 参数:    in_str Base64字符串
// 返回值:  CString ANSI字符串
// 日期:    [6/23/2005]
CString CBase64::decode(const CString in_str)
    CString out_str;
    char c1, c2, c3, c4;
    int i = 0;
    int len = in_str.GetLength();
    while ( i
    >4) );

        // read the third byte
        do {
            c3 = in_str[i++];
            if ( c3==61 )       // meet with "=", break
                return out_str;
            c3 = _base64_decode_chars[ c3 ];
        } while ( i
     >2) );

        // read the fourth byte
        do {
            c4 = in_str[i++];
            if ( c4==61 )       // meet with "=", break
                return out_str;
            c4 = _base64_decode_chars[ c4 ];
        } while ( i
      >2 ];
            pOut[n++] = _base64_encode_chars[ (c1&0x3)<<4 ];
            pOut[n++] = '=';
            pOut[n++] = '=';

        // read the second byte
        c2 = pIn[i++];
        if ( i==len )       // pad with "="
            pOut[n++] = _base64_encode_chars[ c1>>2 ];
            pOut[n++] = _base64_encode_chars[ ((c1&0x3)<<4) | ((c2&0xF0)>>4) ];
            pOut[n++] = _base64_encode_chars[ (c2&0xF)<<2 ];
            pOut[n++] = '=';

        // read the third byte
        c3 = pIn[i++];
        // convert into four bytes string
        pOut[n++] = _base64_encode_chars[ c1>>2 ];
        pOut[n++] = _base64_encode_chars[ ((c1&0x3)<<4) | ((c2&0xF0)>>4) ];
        pOut[n++] = _base64_encode_chars[ ((c2&0xF)<<2) | ((c3&0xC0)>>6) ];
        pOut[n++] = _base64_encode_chars[ c3&0x3F ];
 *pdwOutLen = n;

// 函数:    void decode()
// 功能:    将Base64字符串转成ANSI字符串
// 参数:    pIn  Base64字符串
//   dwInLen Base64字符串的长度
//   pOut 放ANSI字符串的内存
//   pdwOutLen ANSI字符串的长度
// 返回值:  void
// 日期:    [6/24/2005]
void CBase64::decode(LPSTR pIn, DWORD dwInLen, LPSTR pOut, LPDWORD pdwOutLen)
    char c1, c2, c3, c4;
    int i = 0, n = 0;
    int len = dwInLen;

    while ( i
        >4) ); // read the third byte do { c3 = pIn[i++]; if ( c3==61 ) // meet with "=", break goto end; //return; c3 = _base64_decode_chars[ c3 ]; } while ( i 
         >2) ); // read the fourth byte do { c4 = pIn[i++]; if ( c4==61 ) // meet with "=", break goto end; //return; c4 = _base64_decode_chars[ c4 ]; } while ( i 
          = 2) { SetFilePointer(hIn, -2, NULL, FILE_END); DWORD result; ReadFile(hIn, szBuf, 2, &result, NULL); dwOutLow = CalcBase64toANSILen(dwInLow, szBuf); } hInMap = CreateFileMapping(hIn, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); pInFile = (LPSTR)MapViewOfFile(hInMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); hOut = CreateFile(fOut, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); hOutMap = CreateFileMapping(hOut, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, dwOutLow, NULL); pOutFile = (LPSTR)MapViewOfFile(hOutMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, dwOutLow); //转换 pIn = pInFile; pOut = pOutFile; decode(pIn, dwInLow, pOut, &dwOutLen); UnmapViewOfFile(pOutFile); UnmapViewOfFile(pInFile); CloseHandle(hOutMap); CloseHandle(hInMap); CloseHandle(hOut); CloseHandle(hIn); return TRUE; } // // 函数: BOOL encode() // 功能: 将ANSI格式文件转成Base64格式文件 // 参数: cstrSrc ANSI格式的文件名 // cstrDes Base64格式的文件名 // 返回值: BOOL TRUE(成功) FALSE(失败) // 日期: [6/24/2005] // BOOL CBase64::encode(const CString cstrSrc, const CString cstrDes) { try { CFile file(cstrSrc, CFile::modeRead); CFile desFile(cstrDes, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); int length = file.GetLength(); while (length>0) { int size = 4095; //必须是3的倍数,不然就被'='所烦。解码只要以四的倍数即可 PSTR buffer=NULL; buffer = new TCHAR[size]; UINT nBytesRead = file.Read(buffer, size); // 将Base64格式写入文件 PSTR pszBase64 = AllocMemBase64(nBytesRead); DWORD dwBase64 = 0; encode(buffer, nBytesRead, pszBase64, &dwBase64); desFile.Write(pszBase64, dwBase64); FreeMemBase64(pszBase64); delete[] buffer; length -= nBytesRead; } } catch(CFileException *e) { // MessageBox(NULL, e->ReportError(), "error", MB_OK); e->Delete(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // // 函数: BOOL decode() // 功能: 将Base64格式文件转成ANSI格式文件 // 参数: cstrSrc Base64格式的文件名 // cstrDes ANSI格式的文件名 // 返回值: BOOL TRUE(成功) FALSE(失败) // 日期: [6/24/2005] // BOOL CBase64::decode(const CString cstrSrc, const CString cstrDes) { try { CFile file(cstrSrc, CFile::modeRead); CFile desFile(cstrDes, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); // 读取ANSI文件放入cstrANSI int length = file.GetLength(); while (length>0) { int size = 4096; //必须是4的倍数 PSTR buffer=NULL; buffer = new TCHAR[size]; UINT nBytesRead = file.Read(buffer, size); PSTR pszANSI = AllocMemANSI(nBytesRead); DWORD dwANSI = 0; decode(buffer, nBytesRead, pszANSI, &dwANSI); desFile.Write(pszANSI, dwANSI); FreeMemANSI(pszANSI); delete[] buffer; length -= nBytesRead; } } catch(CFileException *e) { // MessageBox(NULL, e->ReportError(), "error", MB_OK); e->Delete(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } 


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